Pay It Forward

What is the “new thing” that you have perceived God doing?
Pay It Forward
How are you cooperating with God in this activity? How can other Christians and congregations help?
Asking my friends to contribute to the cause and then matching their contributions dollar for dollar.
From where did this “new thing” spring forth? What need is God acting to meet through this activity?
St. Luke Church – every family was given $50.00 to start. Serving others whether you are part of the body of Christ or not – this activity shows God’s love and it has helped bring others to Christ.
What can you share to help others meeting this need?
The gift of service.
What have you learned through this activity? Is there anything that you would do differently knowing what you know now?
Called upon more friends and colleagues.
Submitted by: Thelma Jacks, St. Luke, Devon.