Congregational Spiritual Retreat

What is the “new thing” that you have seen?
St. David’s held its annual spiritual retreat weekend at the Luther Inn in Wildwood, New Jersey. The Bible study theme was “Reviewing the Sacraments.” Aside from singing and praying, evening campfires, walks on the boardwalk and beach, much (over) eating and much laughter, there were informal, intense reviews and discussions of Baptism and Holy Communion. Margie and her husband traveled over 7 hours from the Pittsburgh area to participate. Margie was baptized at the retreat.
During the discussions on Holy Communion, a participant, John, reminded that “foot washing” was another meaningful spiritual practice instituted by Christ during the Last Supper. On a spur of the moment decision, the group washed each other’s feet…most of them for the first time ever! It was followed by receiving Holy Communion using both elements of bread and wine.
There were two participants new to attending the retreat.
How are you cooperating with God in this activity? How can other Christians and congregations help?
All persons need to know they are a child of God. All persons need to feel they are part of God’s community. When the community of believers invites and accepts individuals, regardless of the past, everyone is strengthened in her/his personal relationship with God and builds a sharing Christian community.
From where did this “new thing” spring forth? What needs is God acting to meet through this activity? What hallmarks of God’s past action does it build on?
Margie had attended the retreat the year before when she had voiced that she desired to be baptized. It was later learned that she had requested to be baptized in the past, and that particular Pastor “forgot” to baptize her. This was translated to mean that Margie probably experienced rejection in the past, ultimately by God. Thus her baptism was not only important to her relationship with God, but served as inspiration to the whole community.
John came from a Seventh Day Adventist background, so the foot washing gave him a real sense of belonging. All of the participants found it to be a spiritual and humbling event.
One of the “newbies” to the retreat got so caught up in the spirit-filled fellowship that upon leaving she said, “It was the first time I didn’t even care what my hair looked like.”
What can you share to help others meeting this need?
Be open to the Holy Spirit and allow God to lead.
What have you learned through this activity? Is there anything that you would do differently knowing what you know now?
All things are possible with God. I must be open to the Spirit for guidance both for the community and for the individuals within that community.
Submitted by: Pastor Kevin Hilgendorf, St. David’s, Philadelphia
Greetings Brothers and Sisters,
Praise the living God for your testimony of how the Holy Spirit is moving in and through the people of St. David’s! We know if the Holy Spirit works anywhere, then the Holy Spirit works everywhere, the question is are we open.