Building Community Across Denominations

What is the “new thing” you have perceived God doing?
Assemblies of believers developing in non-traditional, non-denominational and community-building ways. – Rev. Paul Xander
Sharing our building with a group of another denomination. Trying to find ways to work together as well as carry out individual ministries. – Linda Woodley
Bringing people of all denominations to work together to be evangelists through the communities where we worship, live and work. – Cheryl Detweiler
How are you cooperating with God in this activity? How can other Christians and congregations help?
Supporting, worshipping with and praying for one of these assemblies, Grace Tabernacle Church. – PX
Trying to look for ways to make things work instead of building walls between people and groups. We all need to keep open minds. — LW
We welcome this congregation (even though) they are not Lutheran. — Donna
From where did this “new thing” spring forth? What need is God acting to meet through this activity?
An encounter on the parking lot 2 years ago. — PX
The day our congregation was approached by another church to utilize our facility. God brought us together to share our religious traditions and respect each other. – CD
What can you share to help others meeting this need?
Openness to where God is at work and calling you to join him. – PX
God is helping us to look at the future in a different way. — LW
Keep an open mind and let God guide you. — CD
What have you learned through this activity? Is there anything you would do differently knowing what you know now?
(I’ve learned) how to enjoy the deep spiritual side of my faith, God’s encounter with me, without the clutter of organization. – PX
Be ready to be pleasantly surprised at the possibilities that can be developed. — LW
Submitted by: Rev. Paul Xander, Linda Woodley, Cheryl Detweiler and Donna, Grace, Pottstown.