Sustainability is a Stewardship Issue

What is the “new thing” that you have perceived God doing?
Interest in sustainability is a concept that is growing. It is about responsible management of our resources. It is a stewardship issue.
Ways of living more sustainably can take many forms but ultimately are a development of some technique or strategy that reduces our consumption of resources.
Located down the street from Resurrection Lutheran Church is a farm and education center which makes local sustainable agriculture an important part of our community through farming and education.
Resurrection has joined with Penny Pack Farm and Education Center and made our facilities (particularly our kitchen) available for meetings and cooking classes for children and teens. It has been well received and appreciated by the community.
The next step in our partnership is to plant an edible garden at Resurrection so that little children and their parents can grow food and then harvest and cook together. This partnership supports common values:
*Providing locally-produced, fresh, healthy, humanely-raised, toxin-free food
*Environmental education
*Protecting ecosystem health
*Strengthening community relationships
*Preserving open space
*Maintaining farming as a viable occupation
*Building local food security
*Practicing sustainability in farming, buildings, and energy production
We recognize God as creator and owner of this world and our goal is to be grateful stewards. Doing this in partnership with others in the community
is for us a new thing.
How are you cooperating with God in this activity? How can other Christians and congregations help?
Help by signing up for activities and events sponsored by the farm.
From where did this “new thing” spring forth? What need is God acting to meet through this activity?
Fresh food is being distributed to local food banks.
Submitted by: Pastor Ellen Meissgeier, Resurrection Lutheran, Horsham