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November 30, 2011

Encouraging A Young Leader

by Editor

What is the “new thing” that you have perceived God doing?

Raising up a 2011 high school graduate, who is going to a local college, to teach Senior
High Sunday School, take over as Youth Group Leader.

How are you cooperating with God in this activity?  How can other Christians and
congregations help?

Praying for him and supporting this ministry with advice, guidance, connecting him with supportive
lay leaders.

From where did this “new thing” spring forth?  What need is God acting to meet through this activity?

Not overlooking a younger members’ gifts.  Connecting with younger members and reaching youth.

What can you share to help others meeting this need?

Think outside the box.

What have you learned through this activity?  Is there anything that you would do differently knowing what you know now?

Listen to what people are doing outside of church.  He is active with young life, also considering seminary.

Submitted by:  Chris Franz, St. Mark’s, Clifton Heights

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