Following Jesus into Prison

“…I was in prison, and you came to Me.” Jesus is clear that his followers are to act on behalf of “the least of these,” including those behind bars. In that spirit, volunteers at St. Paul, Red Hill have been discipling prisoners who need to hear the Good News, visiting sending Bibles and a teaching newsletter to incarcerated persons, because “God doesn’t give up on anybody.”
What is the “new thing” that you have perceived God doing?
“…I was in prison, and you came to Me.” Jesus told us many things we were to do. Doing is more than just talk. Doing requires action.
Today in this country there are over 2 million people incarcerated in prisons. Although prison officials talk rehabilitation, more than not, prisoners are looked upon as “trash” that needs to be thrown away and forgotten about, the “lepers” of society. Even lepers were touched and healed by Jesus.
Jesus came to redeem people to God. He came for all people not just the ones who follow society’s laws. Many behind bars have lost everything. They need to hear the good news. Some profess to have been church goes, come from Christian families, but still messed up. Others have never heard the good news or rejected it. Prison has a way of opening up a person’s heart to be more ready to hear. All need a word of hope, to see the love and forgiveness of God in a real and tangible way. How can and does this happen?
First we need to have a heart for God, to do what He commands us, and to go where He sends us. This is why we have a Prison Ministry at St. Paul’s. Not everyone can go into prisons and visit; but everyone can pray for prisoners, help give aid and support to prisoners, or by writing them. In these tangible ways we can show them the love of God when they see someone cares. The only Jesus they may see is the Jesus we are willing to be. Then we need to be like Jesus who was willing to pour His life out for us. We in turn need to willing to pour our lives out or into others.
God is moving mightily in prisons all over this nation. The media isn’t going to tell you about it, but it is happening. And it is happening just as it did when the disciples took Jesus’ message into the world, one life at a time. I have witnessed it. God transforms one prisoner’s life and that prisoner goes on to share the good news and another life is transformed. One by one by one. We can each make a difference in the one. Jesus wants to make prison “visits”. We are His feet, His hands, His people. He goes and does through us. He needs each one of us to hear our calling and then be obedient to it. If you feel a leading to help the lost, the lonely, the needy in prison, get up and put your faith into action. Someone in prison needs you!
How are you cooperating with God in this activity? How can other Christians and congregations help?
Diciplied one inmate who has gone on to teach & preach through out many prisons discipling others.
Sending out a monthly teaching newletter to over 60 inmates.
Providing bibles, concordances & other Christian materials to inmates in many state prisons.
Writing or personal visits to inmates.
All are welcome to get involved in writing, giving to support the cost of sending bibles, etc. Visiting those in prison. We have an “Adopt and Inmate” program where we give financial support to inmates who have no other means of support in a way of opening their hearts and showing them we care & so does God.
From where did this “new thing” spring forth? What need is God acting to meet through this activity?
This “new thing” has been going on since 1999 building slowly & steadily when God called me into this ministry.
God has been supplying all our needs to be able to meet the needs of many inmates showing them He is God & still loves them.
What can you share to help others meeting this need?
Most people don’t realize what a great mission field full of opportunities the prison system is. This is a forgotten area where the good news of God needs to penetrate. Find out how you can get involved in any type of prison ministry in your church or area or start one.
What have you learned through this activity? Is there anything that you would do differently knowing what you know now?
No one is “trash”. God doesn’t give up on anyone. We are called to show His love. We need to look at the heart like God does, not the outward appearance. Even the toughest, hardest heart can be softened and respond to God’s love. The Word of God still has the power the transform! I’ve learned God has a big job needing to be done and few workers willing to do it. Christians have become too passive. We need to get mad at the devil and take back those he is keeping from God’s good news.
Submitted by: Bonnie Bonser. St. Paul’s Ev. Lutheran Church, Red Hill, PA