“Spark” Sunday School

What is the “new thing” that you have perceived God doing?
“SPARK” Sunday School – fantastic uptake of young children in Christian Education and worship
How are you cooperating with God in this activity? How can other Christians and congregations help?
As Pastor, spending much more of my time with the children as part of the Christian Education program, and informally.
From where did this “new thing” spring forth? What need is God acting to meet through this activity?
From a new curriculum and from The Holy Spirit. God is touching young families with acceptance, support and opportunity to help our children grow to love Jesus.
What can you share to help others meeting this need?
Our own experience-how we started and what was added to the program in each of the last 3 years
What have you learned through this activity? Is there anything that you would do differently knowing what you know now?
Don’t give up the vision. Trust that what feels new and different and out of my control can very well be God’s plan, God’s leading.
Submitted by: Pastor David Deal, Evangelical Lutheran, Durham