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Bible Study via Skype

What is the “new thing” that you have p erceived God doing?

Leading congregation to greater emphasis on Bible literacy; using Skype to start online bible study; have met 3 times so far – a keeper.

How are you cooperating with God in this activity?  How can other Christians and congregations help?

Biggest help is to create safe environment and encouragement where people feel they can try new things without being embarrassed or criticized.  I feel long-time members can inadvertently crush spirit of newcomers. Read more »


“God’s Giving Bin”

What is the “new thing” that you have perceived God doing?

God is calling us to engage our children more in worship.

How are you cooperating with God in this activity?  

We introduced God’s giving bin. A bin we have the kids roll through the aisle prior to the children’s sermon collecting donations from our members. Read more »


Care Givers in Faith

What is the “new thing” that you have perceived God doing?

New Ministry Team, Care Givers in Faith (CGIF)–lay members’ response to needs of others within the congregation (both acute and more chronic needs)

How are you cooperating with God in this activity?  How can other Christians and congregations help?

Our congregation members have linked into a website that allows members of the team to sign up for participation within a schedule.  The website is a scheduler that  other congregations could use for the same purpose within their congregation. Read more »


Facilitating new vision of our congregation

What is the “new thing” that you have perceived God doing?

Moving a congregation through contrast, context, perception on its vision and expansive vision of what it means to be a member of the St. John’s congregation.

How are you cooperating with God in this activity?  How can other Christians and congregations help?

Taking a facilitator and leadership role in the process; listening as much as talking; helping create a passion for the preferred/desired future; commit to become an integral part of the process/product Read more »


Welcoming Developmentally Challenged People

What is the “new thing” that you have perceived God doing?

Welcome of people with mental illness, developmental issues, etc.

How are you cooperating with God in this activity?  How can other Christians and congregations help?

Reluctantly, sometimes including  welcoming people who are mentally ill, especially, brings a lot of challenges; welcoming folks with developmental issues means doing things differently. Read more »