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March 14, 2013

Blessed by lay preaching

by admin

Pastor Matt Staniz from St. Luke, Devon, shared an idea in the ELCA Clergy Facebook group: St. Luke’s features lay preachers at midweek worship during Lent and in the summer. Preachers are given a theme and select a text to preach on, and the pastors offer support and encouragement. “It’s been remarkable listening to people preach and witnessing how it equips them to proclaim, lead and discern how they are called to be the church,” he says.

Here is Pastor Staniz’ original post:
Midweek worship (during Lent & July/August) at our congregation features lay preachers. A theme is chosen in advance and the preachers select text and preach. Support and encouragement is offered by the pastors, but there is no micromanaging. We are consistently amazed at the faith expressed and the gifted preaching. It also lightens the preaching load, allowing energy for other priorities while introducing more diversity to the congregation’s proclamation.

It’s an amazing blessing. Try it!

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