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Memorial to the Lost

Two-hundred and eighty-eight crosses clothed in colorful t-shirts stand on the lawn on St. John’s Lutheran Church, Mayfair, in silent witness to the epidemic of gun violence plaguing Philadelphia and the nation. Each bears the name of someone killed by a gun in the city during 2012. The display went up July 6 and will be up through July 20. Read more »


Considering Online Giving?

Online giving is a small but growing portion of the overall plate offerings for the church. Many churches stress online giving during the summer when people tend to travel and be away from their faith community. After the jump, check out a link to the ELCA’s guide to online giving, and see a fun video one congregation used to inspire people to give while away. Read more »


Trying Something New This Summer?

Ascension, Washington Crossing, is experimenting with worship-in-the-round this summer. What new things are you trying this season? Let us know in the comments.

One nice advantage of movable chairs instead of pews, Ascension has discovered, is the flexibility and creativity they provide. For the summer months, Ascension has redesigned its sanctuary layout to put worshippers in a circle around a central altar.

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