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Posts from the ‘Bible Study’ Category


“I Love You. Love, God”

The Bible is a lot like the love messages parents receive from their children, Pastor Keith Anderson of Upper Dublin Lutheran Church says in a new YouTube video. “The Bible can be a messy, complicated, confusing book, but at the heart of the Bible is this message: ‘I love you. Love, God.” Short, direct video messages of inspiration can be easily shared via social media, and are easy for “wired” congregation members to share in their social circles. Read more »

Lasagna by Sunnybrain

“Dinner and B.S.”

Young adults aren’t always motivated to attend Sunday worship, and Gloria Dei, Huntingdon Valley, and Trinity, Fort Washington have found young adults ask for more when offered the chance to gather for a meal and conversation about life and faith. The two congregations, linked through the call of the Rev. Jim Goodyear as youth minister at Gloria Dei and pastor of Trinity, began inviting young people aged 18-30 to “Dinner and B.S.,” an informal meal and conversation Goodyear hosts.

“It’s designed to let young adults without children to get together and talk about life,” Goodyear says. As dinner morphs into “B.S.”, Goodyear says, “I listen for what’s going on in their lives, and bring a faith perspective to it.”  Sometimes “B.S.” becomes bible study, and “sometimes it’s just about the B.S. of life,” he says. Read more »


Bible Study via Skype

What is the “new thing” that you have p erceived God doing?

Leading congregation to greater emphasis on Bible literacy; using Skype to start online bible study; have met 3 times so far – a keeper.

How are you cooperating with God in this activity?  How can other Christians and congregations help?

Biggest help is to create safe environment and encouragement where people feel they can try new things without being embarrassed or criticized.  I feel long-time members can inadvertently crush spirit of newcomers. Read more »


Bible Study Explores God’s New Thing

Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old.  I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?  — Isaiah 43:18-19

Explore God’s promise of hope and renewal expressed by the Prophet Isaiah in a bible study based on Bishop Burkat’s presentation at last fall’s “God Is Doing Something New” conference events. This bible study, suitable for council retreats, small groups or ongoing bible study groups, will help you look at what central traditions need to be honored in your congregation as well as what “former things” might be clouding the view of what God is doing right now. Read more

Photo by Flickr user eo was taken

Following Jesus into Prison

“…I was in prison, and you came to Me.” Jesus is clear that his followers are to act on behalf of “the least of these,” including those behind bars. In that spirit, volunteers at St. Paul, Red Hill have been discipling prisoners who need to hear the Good News, visiting sending Bibles and a teaching newsletter to incarcerated persons, because “God doesn’t give up on anybody.” Read more »