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Listening to the Distressed

What is the “new thing” that you have perceived God doing?

People who visit our campus adjoining the national park who are lonely, widowed, out of work, distressed – they are looking for support or encouragement.

How are you cooperating with God in this activity?  How can other Christians and congregations help?

We have a retail outlet (The Cabin Shop) which welcomes these people.  Volunteers are friendly but we truly need a “chaplaincy” to support these folks. Read more »


What I Can Do to Make a Difference

What is the “new thing” that you have perceived God doing?

Helping me to broaden my reaching out to others.  Making me increasingly aware of many things (little and big) I can do to make a difference to others and give them renewed hope and faith.

How are you cooperating with God in this activity?  How can other Christians and congregations help?

I am trying to listen to my heart more and my ego less.  Other Christians help me get on track or stay on track AND forgive me when I come up short. Read more »


Gutenberg and Google

Over at the Hacking Christianity blog there are notes on a conversation with Leonard Sweet about his idea that the language of the world — and thus the Church — is shifting from Gutenberg to Google. He offers three key questions to reflect on how your church is connecting to the culture:

  1. How is your church learning the language of the culture?
  2. How is your ministry context connecting with the images and narratives of the culture?
  3. How do you retain the Gutenberg generation while reaching the Google generation?
In other words, are you translating faith to people, or expecting them to translate life to the Church?

Encouraging A Young Leader

What is the “new thing” that you have perceived God doing?

Raising up a 2011 high school graduate, who is going to a local college, to teach Senior
High Sunday School, take over as Youth Group Leader.

How are you cooperating with God in this activity?  How can other Christians and
congregations help?

Praying for him and supporting this ministry with advice, guidance, connecting him with supportive
lay leaders. Read more »


Drive-by Prayer

What is the “new thing” that you have perceived God doing?

“Drive-by Prayer”

How are you cooperating with God in this activity?  How can other Christians and congregations help?

Saturday morning to early afternoon hold up signs to invite anyone for prayer – share prayer with walk-byes and drive-byes near church property. Read more »


Sharing Ministry with Other Churches

What is the “new thing” that you have perceived God doing?

God has been spreading my ministry to more than our church.

How are you cooperating with God in this activity?  How can other Christians and
congregations help?

As I work with other churches other than my own, other churches can pass it on and work with other churches as well. Read more »


Reforming Global Economics

What is the “new thing” that you have perceived God doing?

Reforming the global economic system.

How are you cooperating with God in this activity?  How can other Christians and
congregations help?

Reform personal finance decisions – where I keep my money, where and how I spend it. Read more »


Young Christians Leaving Church…and Rethinking Faith

The alarming church dropout rate for youth leaving high school is less about young people losing their faith and driven by their alienation from church participation and their search to connect faith with the world they live in, according to new research from The Barna Group.

In “You Lost Me: Why Young Christians are Leaving Church…And Rethinking Faith”, Barna’s David Kinnaman notes that “most young people with a Christian background are dropping out of conventional church involvement, not losing their faith.” (Read: Five Myths about Young Adult Church Dropouts). His research shows that about 3 in 10 young Christians stay involved with the church through college and young adulthood (although the ELCA has reported lower figures). Read more »

Healthy Eating -

Intentional Welcoming Strategy

What is the “new thing” that you have perceived God doing?

A much more intentional welcoming strategy.

From where did this “new thing” spring forth?  What need is God acting to meet through this activity?

Nelson Searcy’s book “Fusion”. Read more »


Transitional Refugee Housing

What is the “new thing” that you have perceived God doing?

Welcome Home is a new ministry between Prince of Peace and LCFS.  Welcome Home is a house next to Prince of Peace that God is turning into transitional housing for refugees.

How are you cooperating with God in this activity?  How can other Christians and
congregations help?

I think God woke us up to this ministry.  POP sold the property a few years ago, the new owner fixed up the property beautifully.  He turned the 2 bedroom house into a 4 bedroom house with 2 bathrooms.  When he asked for too much rent and couldn’t rent it, he gave POP a nice discount.  POP couldn’t do it, but God could. Read more »


Lutherans Fighting Hunger

From hosting community meals and stocking food pantries to collecting cans and doing hunger simulations and other awareness activities, Lutherans in Southeastern Pennsylvania are engaged in fighting hunger in their neighborhoods.

To learn what congregations are doing, visit our new God Is Doing Something New! page. Browse over to the site to share what your faith community is doing to help the hungry.

Crowdmap can also track your faith formation, faith in action, connecting and equipping efforts. Visit often to share what you are doing.


Transformational Ministry

What is the “new thing” that you have perceived God doing?

Pushing us to go beyond the walls of church and out into the community.

How are you cooperating with God in this activity?  How can other Christians and congregations help?

Leading transformational ministry efforts in council.  Reach out to do what we were commanded – to go out and make followers – easier said than done for me. Read more »


Sustainability is a Stewardship Issue

What is the “new thing” that you have perceived God doing?
Interest in sustainability is a concept that is growing. It is about responsible management of our resources. It is a stewardship issue.
Ways of living more sustainably can take many forms but ultimately are a development of some technique or strategy that reduces our consumption of resources. Read more »

“SBNR” – A Starting Point?

Amy Thompson Sevimli, assistant to the bishop in the ELCA’s Metro DC Synod, writes at Call & Response that people’s identification as “spiritual but not religious” can be a starting point for faith-filled conversation, if we listen first:

I firmly believe that the best way we can connect people with God in Christ — and with the way we worship that God in church — is by first listening to their spiritual story and only then telling our own. Often, they are more willing to listen to us than we are to them, usually not bored by us but fascinated by our faith and our willingness to give voice to it in a day when many are not. Spiritual but not religious is not an impediment to that conversation but an invitation if we are willing to accept it.

Read the whole article here.


Feeding the Hunger for Service

What is the “new thing” you have perceived God doing?

Creating dissatisfaction – making people hungry for something true, kind and hopeful. – Rev. Serena Sellers

Service Sundays once a month as an outreach and social ministry event. While it is perceived as helping others, it is actually a way for awareness to the members of the congregation. – Gary D’Aprile Read more »