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Posts tagged ‘welcome’


Trying Something New This Summer?

Ascension, Washington Crossing, is experimenting with worship-in-the-round this summer. What new things are you trying this season? Let us know in the comments.

One nice advantage of movable chairs instead of pews, Ascension has discovered, is the flexibility and creativity they provide. For the summer months, Ascension has redesigned its sanctuary layout to put worshippers in a circle around a central altar.

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Welcome by Renaissancechambara on Flickr

A Strategic Approach to Welcoming

St. James Limerick implemented a much more detailed welcome strategy this fall using Nelson Searcy’s Fusion suggestions.  When you’re a guest at St. James you’ll find 1) parkers and greeters, 2) a welcome center, 3) a communication card in every bulletin to get information, 4) a free gift as you leave, 5) an email on Monday afternoon, 6) a personal letter with another gift on Thursday and 7) you’ll be added to the church database.